Safety in driving habits cannot be overemphasized. There are more cars, trucks and motorcycles on the road today than ever before and yet people are not practicing safe driving etiquettes. Seat belt usage for safety is almost an imperative today. I saw an advertisement by a traffic policeman almost twenty years ago that said “I never unbuckled a dead person.” Wow it hit me hard – and then was the comedian that asks “Do you smoke?”; the respondent answers “No, I don’t want to die soon”; the comedian then asks “Do you wear your seat belts”; the respondent says “No” and the comedian says “Why”. That might have been a comedy routine, but not wearing seat-belts is no joke. So please wear your seat-belts while driving.
Then again, I see so many people holding on to their cell-phones while driving. Again, the South Indian comedian Vivek said once “What – are these guys busy sanctioning a loan for Bill Gates ?” Really that was comedy, but cell-phone distractions in driving are a nuisance at a minimum and a massive safety hazard to everyone on the road. Whatever conversations have to be had can wait until you reach the parking lot. Many places have laws against using cell-phones during driving – this is for our own good and safety; there is no point in breaking the law.
I really get a kick out of people who get behind the wheel and do a million other things in the car while in the driver’s seat – classic example is eating food while driving – my God, is your life that packed – may be you need a change of lifestyle then – you don’t even have the time to sit down and eat the donut or sandwich or pudding And how about those ladies putting on make-up while in the drivers’ seat I cannot believe some cars have mirrors on the back of the sunshade visor on the driver’s side – is that an invitation to put on make-up or what – may be these car manufacturers should provide a make-up kit compartment to go with it. What about text-messaging during driving – my goodness, I have a rough time text messaging while I am stationary, hitting the same button on my nano-technology miniature cell-phone three times to get one letter on the screen and these people want to do it when they are driving? May be they don’t value their lives that much; but I certainly value mine and do not want to share the road with drivers who do not put safety as a priority.
What about these guys that want to play music so loud that the person in the next country can hear the beats I can guarantee they didn’t just come out of a driver safety training program. I guess they want us to know what music they are hearing – kind of advertising I believe. They play it so loud they cannot even hear a loud horn from an oversized truck. And sometimes, they are busy changing the radio stations on their dashboard or busy looking for that new music CD that they bought ( probably by using their cell-phone to a home shopping television channel during their previous driving debut )
While all this seems comical in presentation, please let me join the group of safety advocates and one more time request the following driving safety tips: Please put on seat-belts. Please avoid cell-phone usage during driving – if absolutely essential use hands-free mobile phones. Please avoid loud music during driving. Avoid all distractions to driving such as putting on make-up or searching for things in your car and the like. Safety First; all else later.
Driving Safety | Avoiding Distractions
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