While workplace accident lawyers also need to make a living, preventing workplace accidents by following proper safety guidelines can prevent injuries and even loss of lives. Additionally, insurance premiums and workmen's compensation claims can be lowered.
The first rule in industrial safety is eye safety by the use of protective safety glasses. In high noise areas, use proper hearing protection such as earmuffs, ear plugs, etc. Aprons and shop coats provide a safety value in addition to a professional appearance. If chemicals are being handled, proper gloves and protective wear is a must. First-aid kits and supplies must be in an easily accessible area. In highly dusty areas, proper respiratory protection such as dust masks, half and full-face respirators, etc must be used. Self-contained breathing apparatus should be made available to personnel working in highly toxic areas that may be subject to inhalation hazards. Material Safety Data Sheets should be made available in a conspicuous location. Proper training about how to read and understand these MSDS is also essential.
Proper safety training not only promotes a safe work place, it also reduces lost productivity due to accidents. Safety placards and signs re-inforce the importance of safety in industrial workplaces.
Industrial workplace safety
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Industrial workplace safety